Today I went down to Albuquerque to enter a piece into the New Mexico State Fair.
The State Fair comes around once a year (around Sept.) and people from all over the state come and display their prize pigs, horses, cows, cakes, corn, guns, pottery, and art. Its a good place to show off your stuff.

I'm entering my Red's pic this year. It got quite a bit of response at a little local arts shindig we had here in town this month so I decided to put it in the State Fair.

The fair starts in Sept on the 11th so I'll have to wait till then to see if I won anything. xD
Also, since I was in ALBQ, I went up to the Petroglyphs National Monument to take some pics of myself (of me and my face, my face full of FASHION! ) xD

MAN, what a ugly freak I am xD