Today, a Radio Flyer payed us a visit.

Bob, Joy, and their dog Mojo stopped here in Espanola today (on their way back from Houston to San Francisco.) Bob and Joy are two folks that enjoy making fun and wonderful looking cars. This one, their Radio Flyer Wagon, kind of gives you an idea of what they do.
They stopped at my dad's building (an old bar that hes trying to turn into a performance space). They noticed his little "Rat Rod" truck parked out front and decided to stop and chat. Later he got them to take down the Wagon and go for a cruise with us up to Chimayo.
(us crusing through Sonic)
Everywhere we went people were looking and honking and waving at them. It really got everyone's attention (even the local Lowriders had to stop and take a look at it)
(in front of the Santuario de Chimayo)