Its Blog Time again! xD

Today I got back from a weekend in Rio Rancho/Albuquerque. I went so I could take a few more things down to the house. My desktop pc was one of the things that got moved down there.
So now I only have my laptop with me. Which is okay because I use it more than my desktop. I still miss it already because I use it to scan my drawings that I then transfer to my laptop to color. xD Luckily, I have a extra computer my mother got from work that will work until I make the final move.
Both Saturday and Sunday me and my sister went cruising around ABQ. We mostly went shopping but we did go down to Tingley Beach and threw food at some geese and ducks xD
Le Gasp! you have the same tablet as I do! though yours is really used alot XD mine is starting to get like that too now